pre-projects and projects

From the pre-project phase to the turnkey delivery
Pre-project engineering
EELIX brings its experience gained from several hundred installations already delivered.
Pre-project engineering is an important step in the design and development process of a project. It consists of an in-depth study of the project’s needs and requirements, as well as the search for solutions. Our engineers evaluate the costs and deadlines associated with the project, as well as the equipment and resources required for its completion. In short, it is a crucial step to ensure that the project will be feasible, profitable and in line with the client’s requirements.
Our Spirit
To be and remain the best designer of industrial tanks
Pre-project and project engineering
Design office
Every day, we come up with new ideas and carry out the technical studies and plans necessary to make projects a reality. The notion of profitability for our customers is at the heart of each engineering phase.
EELIX: a single point of contact for all your requirements: :
- Study of the customer’s problem: functional specifications
- Pre-development: feasibility, research of solutions, evaluations, pre-project assessment
- Design: project, calculations, tests to validate solutions, nomenclature, definition drawings.
Our Spirit
A rigorous and reactive design office composed of expert collaborators driven by the requirement and excellence.
Autres produits et prestations
Clé en main
Le concept clé en main d’EELIX permet de concevoir les installations dans une problématique globale d’exploitation, le respect des règles d’environnement et de sécurité, de performances techniques et de rentabilité pour ses clients.
- Études, plans, process
- Usinage
- Cuves, laveurs, bacs
- Pompes
- Postes de dépotage, SECURIBOX®,SECURIBOX®Optima, VIGIFLUX
- Coffrets de dosage DOSINGBOX 1, 2 et 3 portes, Coffret PANEL
- Passerelles d’accès
- Instrumentation, contrôle commande
- Manutention, montage
- Tuyauteries, vannes, raccordements…
- Étiquetage et sécurité
- Mise en service, formation
EELIX s’engage à livrer des installations exploitables en toute sécurité. En phase de conception, nous appliquons des méthodes qui intègrent :
- Les opérations d’exploitation et de maintenance
- Les futures conditions de travail des opérateurs
- Le respect des réglementations en matière de prévention et de sécurité, grâce à une veille juridique permanente
- L’expérience acquise au cours des nombreuses installations déjà livrées
- L’ergonomie, facteur de sécurité et d’efficacité.